Welcome to Thought Ambulations.

Webster defines AMBULATE as moving from place to place. This blog is about moving thoughts and opinions from place to place in the universe. Just like physical ambulation can stimulate circulation, this blog wants to stimulate thinking.

Let it begin!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Serge Storms

I love Tim Dorsey's book series featuring Serge A. Storms and his buddy Coleman. They traverse the state of Florida seeking to right wrong and have mucho funno along the way.

During the course of the books Serge provides a running history of Florida and describes many of the great events that have happened in Fla. Fiction, yes, but with a dash of historical reality. His socio-political rants and observations on people, specific industries and landmarks is right on. Isn't Florida the place every one goes, especially ex-cons, to reinvent themselves?

He is often seized with a sudden urge to visit landmarks, although their significance is more personal or related to pop culture rather than historical. He takes loads of photos and has a taste in music that is second to none. His visit to the bar where Lynard Skynard began is belly laugh heaven.

Here is a link to the Wikipedia description of Mr. Storms. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serge_A._Storms

And here is a link to a Serge Storms website and blog.

Serge has his own facebook fan club and the big question is when a movie studio is going to pick up the rights to the books. The next question is who will play Serge and Coleman?

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