Welcome to Thought Ambulations.

Webster defines AMBULATE as moving from place to place. This blog is about moving thoughts and opinions from place to place in the universe. Just like physical ambulation can stimulate circulation, this blog wants to stimulate thinking.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Miley Cyrus and Rappers

Noel Coward once said "It is discouraging how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit."
Mothers and fathers  are wringing their hands over the performance at the VMA show by Miley Cyrus. Many are questioning why a child star who became famous as Hannah Montana would put on a sexually driven show. The response to her dance as well as the flesh colored latex bikini has resulted  in numerous VMA complaints. Many concluded it was lewd and lascivious.
I remember hearing stories of how my father called CBS in New York to complain about Elvis and The Beatles when they appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show. Shocking music and dance has been around for years. But here is the X in the road.
Why are there so many complaints about Miley when black rap videos have been more suggestive and actually quite descriptive of sexual acts over the past years? Is it because the show was on mainstream media? Is there some kind of hypocrisy that says it's OK for blacks to have no respect for sex, women and themselves? Shouldn't society and parents be just as concerned about black performers doing the same suggestive acts on MTV?
My point is if you are going to be shocked, don't let color stand in your way. Society should not be selective in their outrage. You are either all in or all out.